Maths Intent
At Penny Bridge we are want our children to be confident problem solvers and have a solid understanding of mathematical processes. See maths as a fluid, cross curricular subject which links together. Be able to grapple with problems being able to persevere and experiment to find a solution. Have a ‘can do’ attitude and understand that sometimes it takes time to understand concepts. Be able to calculate with the four operations fluently, using their knowledge of patterns and times tables.
Key Concepts in Maths
- Number- place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions.
- Measurement
- Geometry- properties of shapes, position and direction
- Statistics (KS2 only)
Curriculum Drivers
- Persevere in our work to help us understand how maths can help us understand the world around us.
- See maths as a practical subject which has links to the natural world and local environment.
- Be inspired by the wonders of the mathematical world.
Enrichment Activities
We use a mastery-based scheme called Power Maths which forms the backbone of our curriculum. However, this is enriched through other activities such as enterprise challenges working with local industry, STEM challenges like Lego League and practical activities in school- running tuck shops and challenges like egg rolling. We use technology with programmes like TT Rockstars (times tables) and Purple Mash which leads into cross curricular links in science, art, geography and DT. We also support children with 1-1 support and give them opportunities to extend their knowledge at maths clubs run by UVHS.
We use the assessment systems in Power Maths to support judgements against end of year expectations working towards achieving at end of Key Stage national expectations. Alongside this, We use SATs tests at Y2 and Y6 and end of year PUMA tests for the other year groups. We also use a variety of different methods to support children's learning: small assessment tasks, retrieval practice, low-stake quizzes, classroom responses and teacher judgements.
Leaders monitor teaching and learning through child voice, parental questionnaires as well as book looks and learning walks and using the online app SeeSaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through daily informal conversations.
As a result of our whole curriculum, we expect to see all children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum. This is demonstrated through outcomes at EYFS, Phonics (Key Stage 1), Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
- Children will develop lifelong learning behaviours such as pride, resilience and team work.
- Our children will be able to understand, appreciate and succeed in modern Britain.
- Our children will develop a lifelong love of learning through our vision and drivers.
- Our children will be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates through the Christian Values we have instilled in them during their time in school.
- All children will leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.
Power Maths
The full implementation statement is attached below, however or more information about the Power Maths programme watch this video