Modern Foreign Languages Intent
The Modern Foreign Languages curriculum at Penny Bridge CE Academy develops knowledge beyond the everyday experience of the children and inspires pupils to want to know more about the world in which they live. It provides them with the skills needed to be able to engage with the wider world, equipping them for life beyond the classroom and in their onward journey of language to KS3. Our chosen language is French, which is taught through a mixture of different teaching approaches in Key Stage 2 including games, role-play and songs. The intent is that all pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. Learning a second language will also offer pupils the opportunity to explore relationships between language and identity, develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them with a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences.
The four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught and all necessary phonics, grammar and vocabulary is covered in a logical and progressive way across the primary phase. This enables our pupils to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts, laying down solid foundations for future language learning and also helping them to improve overall attainment in other subject areas.
Curriculum Drivers
- Persevere in our work and take the opportunity to be active in our learning.
- Show friendship to people from around the world and understand how languages can breakdown boundaries.
- Be inspired by the joy of being able to communicate in a different language
Enrichment Activities
Our MFL curriculum is enriched further by children also being exposed to different languages and cultures during their time at Penny Bridge. We also have the opportunity to work with local secondary schools to develop their language skills.
Children are assessed against our curriculum endpoints through a variety of different methods: small assessment tasks, retrieval practice, low-stake quizzes, classroom responses and teacher judgements.
We hope that by the end of their time with us all our children will :
- have an understanding of language structure, which they can apply to another language
- be able to hold a short, simple conversation and understand a range of familiar language in French
Leaders monitor teaching and learning through child voice, parental questionnaires as well as book looks and learning walks and using the online app SeeSaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through daily informal conversations.
As a result of our whole curriculum, we expect to see all children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum. This is demonstrated through outcomes at EYFS, Phonics (Key Stage 1), Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
- Children will develop lifelong learning behaviours such as pride, resilience and team work.
- Our children will be able to understand, appreciate and success in modern Britain. Our children will develop a lifelong love of learning through our vision and drivers.
- Our children will be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates through the Christian Values we have instilled in them during their time in school.
- All children will leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.