Science Intent
At Penny Bridge CE Academy, we endeavour to engage, inspire and enthuse
children through our science lessons. We want our children to be inquisitive and have an understanding of how the world works around them. We would like them to ask questions, wonder, think and search for proof through experiments. Care and appreciate the environment, locally, nationally and on a global scale and understand their role in protecting it.
In Science, the key concepts are:
- Biology (Living things and their habitats, Animals including humans, Plants and Evolution and inheritance)
- Physics (Seasonal changes, Electricity, Sound, Light, Forces and Magnets and Earth and Space)
- Chemistry- (Everyday materials, States of Matter, Rocks, Properties and change of materials)
Curriculum Drivers
• Our key learning behaviours: curiosity, independent learning and positive
relationships are embedded in the teaching of science.
• Be inspired by the wonders of the scientific world and understanding the
diversity of scientists and engineers and the opportunities the industries offer.
• Active lifestyles are encouraged through learning how to look after ourselves and keep our bodies healthy.
The Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) is used as a base for teaching and learning in Science. CUSP, rooted in evidence, research and cognitive science, is designed to be cumulative, coherent and connected.
Knowledge is carefully sequenced over a two-year cycle and ensures children have the prior knowledge and background knowledge to access the curriculum. In Science, we think deeply about the planning sequence that we deliver to help meet the needs of all our children. Each learning module that is taught considers the cumulative end goals that we want our children to reach at the end of each phase of their primary journey. The key concepts act as a golden thread and help to hold all the learning together.
To support the teaching and learning of Science:
- A knowledge organiser is used at the start of a new module and contains the substantive knowledge we want our children to remember.
- Duel knowledge notes are used in every lesson and they provide the substantive knowledge that will be taught.
- We use ‘Strong Start’ lessons to help children to think and become more like a scientist through practicing working scientifically.
- We use Reference lessons to provide a shared understanding of the foundational knowledge. These lessons support children in accessing the rest of the learning sequence.
- Thinking tasks offer challenge and an opportunity to apply learning.
- All learning modules are cumulatively built and connected through the substantive concepts.
Science lesson structure
A cumulative model is used within a lesson using the teach-task-teach-task model to keep children engaged and to help develop long term memory. Six phases of a lesson structure follow this sequence, but it is never set in stone.
Enrichment Activities
Our science curriculum is enriched further by ensuring children gain a plethora of experiences in STEM*, through teachers providing opportunities such as: visiting local secondary schools for science lessons, attending STEM fairs and having a variety of people from the STEM sector visiting our school, visiting science museums and taking part in competitions.
*STEM = science, technology, engineering and maths. These are just some of the ways we help our budding scientists investigate the world around them, such as:
▪ STEM weeks: Thanks to all of the dedicated volunteers who make our STEM week so exciting and memorable!
▪ UlverSTEM: What an experience to be part of such a successful interactive event.
▪ Big Bang Science Fair: So many engaging activities led by local firms.
▪ Year 5 visit to UVHS: We had lots of fun making Balloon Buggies!
Children are assessed against our curriculum endpoints through a variety of different methods: small assessment tasks, retrieval practice, low-stake quizzes, classroom responses and teacher judgements. Leaders monitor teaching and learning through child voice, parental questionnaires as well as book looks and learning walks and using the online app SeeSaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through daily informal conversations. As a result of our whole curriculum, we expect to see all children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum.
- Children will develop lifelong learning behaviours such as pride, resilience and team work.
- Our children will be able to understand, appreciate and succeed in modern Britain.
- Our children will develop a lifelong love of learning through our vision and drivers.
- Our children will be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates through the Christian Values we have instilled in them during their time in school.
- All children will leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.